Excuses are often needed in life when we cannot fulfill our commitments or obligations due to various reasons. However, some people struggle to express their excuses because they are unsure how to pronounce certain words. In this article, we will guide you on how to say words related to excuses correctly.
There are certain phrases or expressions that we commonly use when making an excuse. These include:
This is a polite way of declining an invitation or request. When saying this, make sure to emphasize the word \"sorry\" and use a neutral tone of voice.
If you are running late for a meeting or appointment, it's important to apologize. When saying this, emphasize the word \"sorry\" and lower your tone at the end of the sentence.
When explaining why you cannot fulfill a commitment, it's important to be honest and direct. Use a clear and confident tone of voice, and emphasize the reason why you cannot do it. For example, \"I can't do it because I have a family emergency.\"
Some words can be tricky to pronounce when making an excuse. Here are some tips to help you say these words correctly:
Say \"ih-mur-juhn-see\" with the stress on the second syllable.
Say \"in-kuhn-veen-yuhns\" with the stress on the second syllable.
Say \"uh-pol-uh-jahyz\" with the stress on the third syllable.
Say \"kuh-mit-muhnt\" with the stress on the first syllable.
Making excuses can be difficult, but it's important to do it properly to maintain healthy relationships. By using the common expressions we mentioned and following the pronunciation tips, you can confidently express your excuses in a clear and understandable manner.
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